
多样性、股票 & 包含标志

The Ohio Society of sbf111胜博发 believes that a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace yields better business decisions and makes our organizations stronger. That’s why we’re dedicating leadership, time and resources toward being a DE&在俄亥俄州有影响力的人. We are helping organizations create strategic plans to move DE&I from theory to action and measure intended outcomes as we go.

If you have questions regarding the DE&I arena, please reach out to Tiffany Crosby, CPA, CGMA, MBA, OSCPA's chief learning officer at tcrosby@ammannundsiebrecht.com.


多样性 and 包容: Crossing Bridges Series


OSCPA models inclusion and embraces the diverse backgrounds 和观点 of those with whom we work and exist to serve. To advance the state of business in Ohio, OSCPA is working to redefine the path to the accounting profession, increase the diversity of its workforce, and encourage organizations to implement strategies for enhancing inclusiveness in the workplace. We also seek to advance the DE&I mindset within the profession and the businesses it serves by creating a safe space for such conversations and strategies to flourish and grow. 

OSCPA提供DE&I leadership where it is needed in The Ohio Society's governance, sbf111胜博发网站, operations and programs, with a goal to deliver culturally effective service and value to all members and stakeholders who look to us for leadership and support.


了解 OSCPA的承诺 to ending racism and enhancing diversity and inclusion in the workplace.


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